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热火 84 : 91 马刺 韦德24分12次助攻不敌马刺 篮网 98 : 90 国王 阿联爆发20+10,卡特稳健准三双 爵士 119 : 114 勇士 三人两双,爵士赠勇士三连败




姚麦状态不佳仍取58分 火箭主场再胜2-0领先爵士 北京时间4月24日,火箭在主场以98-90击败爵士,季后赛首轮以2-0领先,双方第三战将于27日移师盐湖城。 麦蒂29投9中,其中三分球8投仅1中,拿下31分、10个篮板和5次助攻,姚明24投9中,拿下27分9个篮板。火箭三分球24投仅4中,巴蒂尔投中2个,拿下10分,阿尔斯通三分球6投1中,得11分。海耶斯12分12个篮板。 布泽尔为爵士拿下了41分、12个篮板和6次助攻,但队友表现平平,威廉姆斯15分、7个篮板和7次助攻,哈普林14分。 爵士在上一场失利,憋着一口气,今天一开场就全力进攻,布泽尔在姚明等人的防守下频频得手,几乎以一人之力为爵士打开局面。首节他11投7中,一人就拿下了15分,爵士前17分中有15分为他所得,以17-8开局。麦蒂和姚明表现平平,不过两人此后合力连得7分,火箭将差距缩小到2分。本节最后2分47秒,火箭只投中一球,爵士以26-17领先。火箭首节三分球8投全失,外线球员发近不佳是他们落后的主要原因。 姚明在布泽尔和奥库尔等人的防守之下,首节有些束手束脚,第二节他的状态有所回升,本节还有9分26秒时,姚明抢下进攻篮板,补篮得分,火箭将比分追成21-28,阿尔斯通紧接着三分命中,火箭只落后4分。不过在本节还有4分07秒时,布泽尔突破造成姚明第三次犯规,他只好提前下场休息。还好麦蒂等人非常顽强,率队缩小差距。本节还有1分54秒时,巴蒂尔在右侧投中三分,火箭将比分追成39-39。姚明本节得了8分,麦蒂贡献6分,火箭上半场只以39-41落后。 第三节一开始,姚明就在篮下强打得手并造成奥库尔犯规,连投带罚拿下3分后,火箭以42-41取得全场首次领先。爵士此后又将比分超出,在本节将过半时以54-50占优势,麦蒂开始发威,他先是投中三分,接着在三分线外造成费舍尔犯规,连续三罚命中后,火箭以56-54再度超出。虽然此后麦蒂又连连投篮不中,甚至还有一个“三不沾”,但火箭还是能控制局面。本节还有1分钟时,麦蒂再次三分命中,这是他本节第二次命中,火箭以65-62领先。穆托姆博此后两罚两中,火箭以67-62结束前三节。 爵士第四节前7投仅1中,火箭4投3中,打出一波9-2,一举以76-64取得12分的优势。不过爵士叫了暂停后,连续三次投篮命中,将差距缩小到6分。火箭在3分钟内未能投中一球,直到本节还有6分01秒时,麦蒂中投命中。爵士将差距缩小到4分后,麦蒂与姚明表演空中接力,姚明接球后双手将球扣进,火箭在比赛还有3分47秒时以84-78领先。 火箭此后将优势扩大到10分,但由于有姚明有5次犯规在身,布泽尔此后强打姚明,两次得手后,爵士在比赛还有1分17秒时将比分追成84-90。关键时刻,麦蒂在左侧有一个高难度的投篮命中,火箭又领先了8分。比赛还有28秒时,巴蒂尔造成犯规,两罚两中后,火箭以94-86领先。爵士此后只能将差距缩小到6分,无力回天。




Beijing February 15, the Houston Rockets 121-102 home victory over Denver, a two-game losing streak. Sean - Shane Battier 17 points 5 assists and 3 rebounds, 7 of 7 from the audience, the hit rate of 100%. Luis - Luis Scola 10 points and 8 rebounds, Kevin - Martin, 13 points 4 rebounds and 4 assists, Kyle - Kyle Lowry 7 points 6 rebounds 7 assists, and Aaron - Brooks 18 points, Chase - Budinger 15 points 6 rebounds , Jordan - Hill 11 points 6 rebounds, Courtney - Lee 22 points 6 rebounds 4 assists. Nuggets - Carmelo Anthony 16 points and 3 rebounds, 3 assists, 12 points 9 rebounds and Nene, Aaron - Ave La 17 points 4 rebounds, Chauncey - Chauncey Billups 15 points 4 rebounds and 3 assists, Chris - Anderson 11 points and 4 rebounds, Al - Haning Dayton 12 points. After the start of the race, as always, a high-profile attack on Denver, Efulaluo a jumper with the game opened the curtain, and even with a fine cast with a 7 points, and the Rockets did not start smoothly, Shane Battier illegal to kick a ball twice . Start of the race nearly 4 minutes of time, the rocket alone accounted for 4 free throws, until 8 minutes and 8 seconds before relying on Martin's layup little confidence back. The first section of the Nuggets to 32-19 lead after the end of the rocket 13 minutes. Hold high the banner of counter-II rocket, Courtney - Lee, Brooks turns Scola also scored, the state recovery team, feel hot. This section Kason 2 minutes and 30 seconds at the end of Jordan - Hill, tied the score with a free throw, followed by two free throws with Scola will go-ahead score. The Rockets scored 39 points in a single section, so the Nuggets with 22 points to shame. After halftime, the Rockets go-ahead successfully to lead Nuggets 58-54 4. After the Rockets half on a continuation of the good state, Hayes and Martin shot two successive rounds succeed, add another 5 points for the Rockets. Anthony and the Denver Nuggets at this time two consecutive failures Efulaluo and watch the rocket has the lead to 10 points, Chauncey Billups to come forward, in has hit two goals in two rounds. Kevin Scola and Rockets - Mading Si no fear of the challenge of Chauncey Billups, wave attack set off together again, the Rockets hit 30 points in the third quarter the score again, while the Denver Nuggets since depressed, single section only 14 points, the play was rewritten for the 88-68 score, the Nuggets down by 20 points. Finally, after the start of a game seems to wake up the Nuggets, JR Smith and Thailand - Lawson, along with Alfred, who turns to the impact of La Rockets basket, the Rockets can not have the slightest relaxation. Unfortunately, the score 20 points as the gap between giant sink, the Nuggets Huitianfali, eventually lost the game 102-121.


1,奥登仍希望于2010年内复出 2,霍华德不一定能在今夏完成续约 4,巴丁格缺席训练,明天能否出战待定 5,凯文-乐福:打出双30的感觉“很自然” 7,纳什与妻子阿玛莉拉宣布离婚决定 .............. 详细情况请参考虎扑网