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Cristiano Ronaldo (February 5, 1985 -), nicknamed "C Lo", "little Ronaldo", the Portuguese, the World Player of the European Golden Ball winner.

1998年加盟里斯本竞技,2002年进入里斯本竞技一线队。 In 1998 joined Sporting Lisbon, Sporting Lisbon in 2002 into the first team. 2003年8月8日,以1224万英镑的身价从里斯本竞技转会曼联,在主教练弗格森的调教下,成长为世界足坛顶级球星。 August 8, 2003, to be worth £ 12,240,000 transfer from Sporting Lisbon Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson in the tuning, the growth of world football's top player.

凭借出色的控球技术,眩目的过人技术和超强的带球能力,被曼联视为贝克汉姆的接班人,被葡萄牙视为费戈的接班人。 With excellent ball technique, dazzling extraordinary dribbling skills and powerful ability to be Manchester United as Beckham's successor as Luis Figo is Portugal's successor. 于2006年世界杯时扬名,其后除为曼联赢得多个主要锦标外,也获得不少个人奖项。 Famous 2006 World Cup, Manchester United won the subsequent addition to a number of major titles, but also received many personal awards.

2008年,C罗带领曼联获得欧洲冠军杯和卫冕英超锦标。 2008, C Lo led the Manchester United defending the European Cup and Premier League title. 个人亦荣膺世界足球先生称号,并且包揽了欧洲金球奖,英超最佳射手、最佳球员等多项荣誉,成就大满贯。 Also was named World Player of the individual title and swept the Golden Globe Europe, Premiership top scorer, best player and many other honors, achievements Grand Slam.

2009年6月,以8000万英镑从曼联转会皇家马德里,继卡卡后成为又一加盟弗洛伦蒂诺银河战舰的超级巨星。 June 2009 to 80 million pounds move to Real Madrid from Manchester United, following Florentino Kaka joined the Galaxy after a warship of another superstar. 个人身价亦超越齐达内,成为史上身价第一高的球员。 Personal worth is beyond Zidane, a player in the history of high net worth first. 2009年7月28日,C罗在与厄瓜多尔球队基多体育的友谊赛中攻入自己效力皇马的首粒进球。 July 28, 2009, C Luo team in Quito, Ecuador in friendly sports his Real Madrid's first goal scored. 亮相伯纳乌 Bernabeu debut

西班牙当地时间2009年7月6日晚,以创纪录8000万英镑身价转会皇马的葡萄牙球星克里斯蒂亚诺-罗纳尔多正式在伯纳乌球场亮相。 Spain local time the evening of 6 July 2009 to a record 80 million pounds worth move to Real Madrid's Portuguese star Cristiano Ronaldo - officially unveiled at the Bernabeu stadium. 据西班牙埃菲通讯社统计,欢迎这名世界足球先生到来的现场球迷人数超过8万人,打破了当年马拉多纳从巴萨加盟那不勒斯时7.5万球迷来到亮相仪式的世界记录。 According to Spanish news agency Efe statistics, welcomed the arrival of the name World Footballer of the number of people live more than 8 million fans, breaking the year Maradona joined Napoli from Barcelona when 75,000 fans came to the unveiling of the world record.


Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro,OIH,(born 5 February 1985),commonly known as Cristiano Ronaldo,is a Portuguese footballer who plays as a forward for Spanish La Liga club Real Madrid and who serves as captain of the Portuguese national team.

Ronaldo became the most expensive footballer in history after moving from Manchester United to Real Madrid in a transfer worth £80 million (€93.9 million/$131.6 million).In addition,his contract with Real Madrid,in which he is paid €12 million per year,makes him one of the highest-paid footballers in the world, and his buyout clause is valued at €1 billion as per his contract.

Ronaldo began his career as a youth player for Andorinha,where he played for two years,before moving to c.***.in 1997,he made a move to Portuguese giants Sporting Clube de Portugal.Ronaldo caught the attention of Manchester United manager Alex Ferguson,who signed him for £12.24 million (€15 million) in 2003.The following season,Ronaldo won his first club honour,the FA Cup.

Ronaldo was the first player to win all four main PFA and FWA awards,doing so in ***.in 2008,Ronaldo won the Ballon d'Or.[6] He placed second in the Ballon d'Or in 2007,2009,2011 and 2012.He was awarded the European Golden Shoe in both 2008 and ***.in 2008,he won three of the four main PFA and FWA trophies and was named the FIFPro Player of the Year,World Soccer Player of the Year,Onze d'Or,and the FIFA World Player of the ***.in 2007 and 2008,Ronaldo was named FWA Footballer of the Year.Ronaldo was the inaugural winner of the FIFA Puskás Award in 2009.

Ronaldo is considered one of the best footballers in the world.He holds numerous former and current scoring records,including records for most goals scored in a season for Real Madrid,most goals scored per minute in La Liga,first top European league player to reach 40 goals in a single season in two consecutive years,fastest Real Madrid player to reach one hundred league goals,and the first player ever to score against every team in a single season in La ***.in January 2013,Cristiano Ronaldo scored his 300th club goal.

Ronaldo is a Portuguese international and made his debut against Kazakhstan in August 2003.He has since participated in five major tournaments; UEFA Euro 2004,the 2006 FIFA World Cup,UEFA Euro 2008,the 2010 FIFA World Cup and UEFA Euro 2012.He scored his first international goal in the opening game of the Euro 2004 against Greece,in addition to helping Portugal reach the final.He took over the captaincy of the side in July 2008 and went on to captain Portugal to the semi-finals at the Euro 2012 and finished the competition as the joint best scorer with three goals.On 16 October 2012,Ronaldo won his 100th cap against Northern Ireland,making him the third highest capped player for Portugal and became the third youngest European to reach a century of international appearances.


C罗英文为Cristiano Ronaldo,中文译为克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多。

克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多(Cristiano Ronaldo、C罗)1985年2月5日出生于葡萄牙马德拉岛丰沙尔,葡萄牙职业足球运动员,司职边锋、中锋,效力于意甲尤文图斯足球俱乐部。

克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多在1995年加入马德拉国民足球俱乐部;1996年转入葡萄牙体育足球俱乐部青训体系;2001年,C罗在葡萄牙体育足球俱乐部经历了U16、U17、U18、二线队和一线队5个不同级别赛事 。


C罗在曼联期间收获了2006-07赛季英格兰足球超级联赛最佳球员 ;2007-08赛季金球奖、国际职业足球运动员联合会最佳球员、英超最佳球员、英超金靴等奖项 。

2009年,C罗以8000万英镑身价转会皇家马德里足球俱乐部 ,并在9年间帮助球队获得包括2013-14赛季 、2015-16赛季、2016-17赛季、2017-18赛季4次欧洲冠军联赛冠军在内的16项锦标 。

而C罗在皇马期间收获了2012-13赛季、2013-14赛季、2015-16赛季、2016-17赛季金球奖等奖项 。2018年,C罗以1亿欧元身价转会至意甲尤文图斯足球俱乐部 ,并随队获得2018-19赛季意大利足球甲级联赛冠军 。



2015年1月15日,在葡萄牙足协100周年庆典上,C罗被评选为葡萄牙足球百年历史上最佳球员 。

2016年法国欧洲杯上,C罗帮助葡萄牙队获得队史上第一个欧洲杯冠军。C罗为葡萄牙队贡献3球3助攻,获得欧洲杯银靴奖 、入选欧洲杯官方最佳11人阵容(前锋) ,

并且打破多项记录,包括欧洲杯最多总进球记录(9球) 、欧洲杯最多出场记录(21场)以及葡萄牙最多进球记录(61球)、葡萄牙最多出场记录(133场) 。连续三届世界杯取得进球的葡萄牙球员。





1、我把别人对我的批评当作一种恭维。 I put on my criticism as a compliment. 2、你们的爱让我变强,你们的恨让我不可阻挡。 Your love makes me strong, your hate makes me unstoppable. 3、我从来都不惧怕压力,老实说,我享受这种压力。 I never afraid of Pssure, to be honest, I enjoy this kind of Pssure. 4、只要我想做的事厅敏芹情,没有任何人能改变我,弗格森也不能。 As long as I want to do, no one can change me, ferguson also can't. 5、如果你不想着为自己的祖国效力,那么你绝对不是个好球员。 If you don't want to play for his country, then you definitely not a good player. 6、我就是世界上最好的球员,我也是世界上第一第二第三的球员。 I am the best player in the world, and I am also the first second and third player in the world. 7、你问我最爱的人扮毕是谁?我只爱3种人,亲人,恩人,支持我的人! You ask who is my favorite? I only love three people, the family member, benefactor, support me! 8、曼彻斯特并不适合久居,但这是一家伟大的俱乐部,我在这里非常开心。 Manchester is not suitable for living, but this is a great club, I'm very happy to be here. 9、没有失败,就不会有成功,失败并不可怕,可怕的是你因为失败而放弃自己的梦想。 Without failure, there will be no success, failure is not terrible, terrible is you give up your dream because of the failure. 10、我与梅西的关系并不是你们想的那样糟糕,未来有一天也许你们会看见我们在一起喝酒谈心。 My relationship with Lionel messi is not bad, you want it to future maybe one day you will see we talk together to drink. 11、有些球迷不断嘘我,向我吹口哨,骂我的家人,我觉得他们就是嫉妒我,有钱,又帅气,还有高超的球技。 Some fans constantly boo me, to my whistle, scold my family, I think they are jealous of me, rich, and handsome, and superb skill. 12、如果有朝一日,人们会像崇敬贝斯特或者贝克汉姆那样崇敬我,我会感到非常骄傲,那正是我为之努力的目标。 If one day, people will respect me like reverence best or David Beckham, I feel very proud, that's just what I work on target. 13、以我的人生经历,我可以告诉一些年轻球员,如果你想成为一位巨星,那么光有球技是不行的,你必须要懂得一些做人的道理! In my experience, I can tell some young players, if you want to be a superstar, so light has skill is no good, you have to understand some person of truth! 14、我的拿咐终极梦想是为国效力,帮助葡萄牙获得世界杯,如果明年能在巴西世界杯上夺冠,那么我的则业生涯将没有遗憾,从此退役。 My ultimate dream is for my country, to help Portugal's World Cup, if next year would win the World Cup in Brazil, so my business career will have no regrets, retired from now on. 15、我们经历了好多终于走到现在。可是我们怎么了呢磨合期吗好可怕我好怕失去你你呢。你没有什么害怕的你都不会带我去你的未来。 We had a lot of walk to now at last. But how do we adjust period? Terrible I'm afraid to lose you, how are you. You don't fear what you don't take me to your future. 16、我已经说了一百万次了,我乐意去西班牙踢球,我在这里也感到很开心,但让我们在冠军联赛决赛结束后再让我们看看会发生什么吧。 I have said one million times, I'd be happy to go to Spain to play, I also feel very happy here, but let us at the end of the champions league final again let us see what will happen. 17、我是一个多愁善感的人,我每次获得成功上台领奖的时候,我脑海里都会浮现出我父亲的身影,我想告诉他,爸爸我成功了,你知道吗? I am a sentimental person, every time I successfully awarded prizes, my mind will emerge out of my father, I want to tell him, daddy, I succeeded, you know? 18、人一定要有颗感恩的心,无论你取得多大的成功,你都不能忘记一些帮助过你的人或者朋友,弗格森就像是我足球上的父亲,他在我心中的位置永远是NO.1。 People must have a grateful heart, NO matter you how much success, you can't forget some helped you or a friend, Sir Alex ferguson is like my father, football his position in my heart will always be NO. 1.


C罗英文为Cristiano Ronaldo,中文译为克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多。

克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多(Cristiano Ronaldo、C罗)1985年2月5日出生于葡萄牙马德拉岛丰沙尔,葡萄牙职业足球运动员,司职边锋、中锋,效力于意甲尤文图斯足球俱乐部。

克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多在1995年加入马德拉国民足球俱乐部;1996年转入葡萄牙体育足球俱乐部青训体系;2001年,C罗在葡萄牙体育足球俱乐部经历了U16、U17、U18、二线队和一线队5个不同级别赛事 。


C罗在曼联期间收获了2006-07赛季英格兰足球超级联赛最佳球员 ;2007-08赛季金球奖、国际职业足球运动员联合会最佳球员、英超最佳球员、英超金靴等奖项 。

2009年,C罗以8000万英镑身价转会皇家马德里足球俱乐部 ,并在9年间帮助球队获得包括2013-14赛季 、2015-16赛季、2016-17赛季、2017-18赛季4次欧洲冠军联赛冠军在内的16项锦标 。

而C罗在皇马期间收获了2012-13赛季、2013-14赛季、2015-16赛季、2016-17赛季金球奖等奖项 。2018年,C罗以1亿欧元身价转会至意甲尤文图斯足球俱乐部 ,并随队获得2018-19赛季意大利足球甲级联赛冠军 。



2015年1月15日,在葡萄牙足协100周年庆典上,C罗被评选为葡萄牙足球百年历史上最佳球员 。

2016年法国欧洲杯上,C罗帮助葡萄牙队获得队史上第一个欧洲杯冠军。C罗为葡萄牙队贡献3球3助攻,获得欧洲杯银靴奖 、入选欧洲杯官方最佳11人阵容(前锋) ,

并且打破多项记录,包括欧洲杯最多总进球记录(9球) 、欧洲杯最多出场记录(21场)以及葡萄牙最多进球记录(61球)、葡萄牙最多出场记录(133场) 。连续三届世界杯取得进球的葡萄牙球员。




C罗的英文名字是:Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro。

克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多·多斯·桑托斯·阿韦罗(Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro):简称“C罗”,1985年2月5日出生于葡萄牙马德拉岛丰沙尔,葡萄牙职业足球运动员,司职边锋/中锋,现效力于英超的曼彻斯特联足球俱乐部。





国语:克尼斯蒂亚诺-罗纳尔多 粤语:基斯坦奴-朗拿度


c罗英语名字是Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro。

克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多·多斯·桑托斯·阿韦罗(Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro),简称“C罗”,1985年2月5日出生于葡萄牙马德拉岛丰沙尔,葡萄牙职业足球运动员,司职边锋/中锋,现效力于英超的曼彻斯特联足球俱乐部。






8c-罗 英文个人简介

C罗: 球星档案 姓名:克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多 英文名:Cristiano Ronaldo 昵称:小小罗 生日: 1985.2.5 国籍: 葡萄牙 身高:1.84米 体重:75公斤 场上位置:中场 球衣号码:7 现效力球队:曼联 C罗大事记: *曼联与C罗续约五年 北京时间4月13日,成功晋级欧冠半决赛的曼联宣布与中场球员C·罗纳尔多成功签署了一份为期5年的新合同(周薪10.5万英镑),新工作合同将到2012年。 *C罗的银球奖 2007年12月2日,《法国足球》杂志2007年欧洲金球奖的评选中,小小罗以277分名列第二。 小罗: 位置 前锋/前卫 生日 1980年3月21日 身高 1.80米 体重 71公斤 效力球队 巴塞罗那 全名:Ronaldinho Gaucho 国籍:巴西 出生日期:1980年3月21日 身高:180cm 体重:76 kg 现效力俱乐部:巴塞罗那 国家队号码:10


Cristiano Ronaldo Personal information Full name: Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro Date of birth: February 5, 1985 (1985-02-05) (age 23) Place of birth: Funchal, Madeira, Portugal Height:1.85 m (6 ft 1 in) Playing position: Right winger, Striker Club information Current club Manchester United Number 7 Youth clubs 1993–1995 CF Andorinha 1995–1997 CD Nacional 1997–2001 Sporting CP Senior clubs 2001–2003 Sporting CP 25 (3) 2003– Manchester United 237 (91) National team 2003– Portugal 54 (20) His favourite movies: The Sixth Sense His favourite actress: Angelina Jolie His favourite colors: White and Red His favourite number: 7 His favourite Cola: Coca Cola Hair / Eyes : Light Brown / Brown Religion : Christian - Catholic Mother : Maria Dolores dos Santos Aveiro Father: Jose Diniz Aveiro (1954–London, 5 September 2005) Brothers : Hugo Aveiro (1975) Sisters : Elma Aveiro (1974) and Katia Aveiro (1976) Uncle : Alex Aveiro Cars : silver Porsche, red Ferrari 435 Adverts: Has appeared in several Nike adverts Has appeared in a Suzuki TV advert. He doesn't smoke! Scored Manchester United's 1,000th league goal against Middlesbrough FC. Filmography: 2006 FIFA World Cup Germany (2006) (mini) TV Series .... Himself Manchester United: Play Like Champions (2003) (V) .... Himself