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问题一:乒乓球用英文怎么写? ping-pong or teble-tennis 问题二:打乒乓球,英语怎么说? 汉语【打乒乓球】 英语1【play pingpong】 例句: I used to play pingpong. 我从前一直打乒乓球. 英语2【play table tennis】 例句:We usually go to play table tennis out of hours. 我们在工作时间之外常常打乒乓球. 问题三:乒乓球赛 用英语怎么说 乒乓球有两种说法: pingpong 和 table tennis,多用后者 兵乓球赛: table tennis petition 如: An international table tennis petition is a petition which may include the players of more than one association. 国际性乒乓球赛必须要有不止一个乒乓球协会的球员参加。 问题四:乒乓球用英语怎么说? 如果只“乒乓球运动”,可以用ping-pong或table tennis, 如果指“乒乓球”这种小东西,可以用拟声词 pingpong ball,也可以用 table tennis ball。 问题五:乒乓球的一些术语,用英语都怎么说 Let 重发球 Fault 犯规 Side 侧面 Net 擦网 Stop 停 Time 时间到 Toss 挑边(掷挑边器) What is your name? 你叫什么名字? Which is your choice? 你选择什么? Serve 发球 Receive 接发球 Ends 方位 Yes,you are right. 你是对的 No,you are wrong 你不对 Practice 练习 Who will serve first? 谁先发球? Who will receive first? 谁先接发球? Begin playing 比赛开始 Ready-Serve 准备---发球 Love all,Wang×× 0比0,王×× Love-one 0比1 Two-three,Li×× 2比3,李×× Li××,teenty-one nineteen 李××胜,21比19 × Leads,2 games to 1 ×以2比1(局)领先 Match to ×,3 games to 1 ×以3比1获胜 Change service 换发球 Change ends 交换方位 Change receiver 交换接发球员 Point 得分 Good service 合法发球 Good return 合法还击 Outside 出界 Volley 拦击 Obstruct 阻挡 Double hit 连击 Double bounce 两跳 Moved playing surface 台面移动 Free hand on table 不执拍手扶台 Touched net assembly 触及球网装置 Stamp foot 跺脚 Wrong order 次序错了 Edge ball 擦边球 Broken ball 球破裂 Expedite system 轮换发球法 Table 球台 End line 端线 Side line 边线 Centre line 中线 Right half-court 右半区 Playing surface 比赛台面 Top edge 上边缘 Net 球网 Post 支柱 Support 支架 Too high(low) 太高(低) Ball 球 Select 选择 Recket 球拍 Blade 拍身,底板 Handle 拍柄 Covering 覆盖物 Pimpled rubber 颗粒胶 Sandwich rubber 海绵胶 Too thick 太厚 Playing hall 比赛厅 Surrounds 挡板 Floor 地板 Score indicator 计分器 Towel 毛巾 Dark-coloured 暗色 Matt 无光泽 Uniform 一致,均匀 Height 高度 Left 左 Right 右 Best of 3 games 三局二胜 Best of 5 games 五局三胜 Deciding game 决胜局 Match 场 Strick 击球 Recket hand 执拍手 Free hand 不执拍手 Upwards 向上 Near vertically 近乎垂直 Palm of the hand 手掌 Stationary 静止 Visible 看得见 Above 之上 Below 之下 Behind 之后 Without spin 无旋转 Over o......>>


乒乓球用英语可以说:table tennis 或 ping pong。乒乓球起源于英国,"乒乓球"一名起源自1900年,因其打击时发出“Ping Pong”扒圆的声音而得名。

乒乓球(table tennis),中国国球,是一种世界流行的球类体育项目,包括进攻、对抗和防守。比赛分团体、单打、双打等数种。



1、国际乒乓球春裂塌联合会(英文为:International Table Tennis Federation,缩写为:ITTF)源旁。

2、亚洲乒乓球联盟(英文为:Asian Table Tennis Union,缩写为:ATTU)。



汉语【打乒乓球】 英语1【play pingpong】 例句: I used to play pingpong. 我从前一直打乒乓球. 英语2【play table tennis】 例句:We usually go to play table tennis out of hours. 我们在工作时间之外常常打乒乓球. 查看全部20个回答 乒乓球练球器京东,精品惠聚,天天特价,嗨GO不停 乒乓球练球器-京东时尚,奢华大牌,潮流好物,刷新超低折扣价,实惠更多更贴心! 北京京东世纪信息技..广告 迪卡侬竞技乒乓球桌,价格实惠,坚实耐用,使用便捷! 迪卡侬竞技乒乓球桌,专为乒乓球专业球员打造,运动选迪卡侬!迪卡侬,优质的运动产品,设计新颖,结实耐用。迪卡侬,让运动生活更轻松! 迪卡侬(上海)体育用..广告 相关问题全部



I like playing table tennis.


我喜欢某种运动翻译为英语的话,也可参照这种句式:I like playing +运动名称

例如,我喜欢打篮球,I like playing basketball.

















1890年,几位驻守印度(India)的英国海军(navy)军官偶然发觉在一张不大的台子上玩网球颇为刺激。后来他们改用空心的小皮球代替弹性不大的实心球,并用木板代替了网拍,在桌子上进行这种新颖的“网球赛”,这就是table tennis得名的由来。   Table tennis出现不久,便成了一种风靡一时的热门运动。20世纪初,美国开始成套地生产乒乓球的比赛用具。最初,table tennis有其它名称,如Indoor tennis。后来,一位美国制造商以乒乓球撞击时所发出的声音创造出ping-pong这个新词,作为他制造的“乒乓球”专利注册商标。Ping-pong后来成了table tennis的另一个正式名称。当它传到中国后,人们又创造出“乒乓球”这个新的词语。   在日语里,乒乓球叫做“桌球”。乒乓球运动的很多用词是从网球变来的。打乒乓球所用的球叫ping-pong ball或table-tennis ball,乒乓球台叫ping-pong table,台面称court,中间的球网称net,支撑球网的架子叫net support。   乒乓球单人比赛原来一般采取三局两胜或五局三胜制(每局21分),2001年改为七局四胜制或五局三胜制(每局11分),所谓“局”,英文是set。发球叫serve。   乒乓球起源于英国,欧洲人至今把乒乓球称为“桌上的网球”,由此可知,乒乓球是由网球发展而来。19世纪末,欧洲盛行网球运动,但由于受到场地和天气的限制,英国有些大学生便把网球移到室内,以餐桌为球台,书作球网,用羊皮纸做球拍,在餐桌上打来打去。   20世纪初,乒乓球运动在欧洲和亚洲蓬勃开展起来。1926年,在德国柏林举行了国际乒乓球邀请赛,后被追认为第一届世界乒乓球锦标赛,同时成立了国际乒乓球联合会。   乒乓球运动的广泛开展,促使球拍和球有了很大改进。最初的球拍是块略经加工的木板,后来有人在球拍上贴一层羊皮。随著现代工业的发展,欧洲人把带有胶粒的橡皮贴在球拍上。在20世纪50年代初,日本人又发明了贴有厚海棉的球拍。最初的球是一种类似网球的橡胶球,1890年,英国运动员吉布从美国带回一些作为玩具的赛璐珞球,用于乒乓球运动。   在名目繁多的乒乓球比赛中。最负盛名的是世界乒乓球锦标赛,起初每年举行一次,1957年后改为两年举行一次。   1904年,上海一家文具店的老板王道午从日本买回10套乒乓球器材。从此,乒乓球运动传入中国。 1890, stationed in India a few (India) of the British navy (navy) officer accidentally found in a small play table tennis quite stimulating. Later they switch to a small hollow ball instead of small solid elastic ball, and beat with wooden instead of the network, in this novel on the table "tennis", which is named after the origin of table tennis. Table tennis soon after, it became a popular sport rage. Early 20th century, the United States began to produce complete sets of equipment table tennis game. Initially, table tennis has other names, such as Indoor tennis. Later, an American manufacturer of table tennis at the sound of impact to create a ping-pong the new word, as he made "table tennis" patent registered trademark. Ping-pong table tennis and later became the official name of another. When it spread to China, it also created a "table tennis" this new term. In Japanese, table tennis called "pool." A lot of table tennis terms tennis change from the past. Table tennis ball used is called ping-pong ball or table-tennis ball, table tennis table is called ping-pong table, table, said court, said the middle of the net net, net support shelf called net support. The original table tennis single match of three games in general, or five games system (21 points per game), four wins in 2001 to seven innings-or five games system (11 points per game), the so-called "Bureau "English is set. Tee called the serve. Table Tennis originated in Britain, Europe has to table tennis as "table tennis", can be seen, table tennis is tennis evolved. 19th century, tennis popular in Europe, but due to limited space and weather, the British tennis put some students to move indoors to the table of tables, books for the net, with the parchment made racket, at the dinner table fight to call . Early 20th century, the sport flourished in Europe and Asia together. 1926, held in Berlin, Germany International Table Tennis Invitational, posthumously after the First World Table Tennis Championships, while the establishment of the International Table Tennis Federation. To carry out a wide range of table tennis, rackets and balls to promote a great improvement. The original racket is a little block of wood processed, then a layer of sheepskin was posted in the racket. With the development of modern industry, Europeans with the rubber particles attached to the racket. In the early 1950s, the Japanese invented a paste with thick sponge racket. The original ball is a rubber ball like tennis, 1890, British athletes Gibb brought back some from the United States as toy celluloid ball for table tennis. In the numerous table tennis. The most famous is the World Table Tennis Championships, held annually at first, after 1957 to be held biennially. In 1904, a stationery shop owner Wang Shanghai from Japan bought 10 sets of afternoon table tennis equipment. Since then, the sport was introduced to China.


我会打乒乓球用英语说法是I can play table tennis。 play表示打、玩的意思,table tennis表示乒乓球的意思。 相关例句:I think I can play table tennis well。 By the way。 my dream is become a professional table tennis athlete顺便说一下,我的梦想是成为一名专业的乒乓球运动员。



翻译:I like to play badminton and ping pong.


My favorite sport is play badminton and table tennis.



1、Yes. He's playing table tennis.


2、He plays ping - pong better than I .


3、He wanted to play basketball with a ping-pong ball!


4、He played basketball with a ping-pong ball!


5、Yes, both groups enjoy playing table tennis.


6、The two boys are playing ping-pong.


7、Now, let's play ping-pong!


8、At the Community Centre you could always tell when he had been playing table-tennis by the dampness of the bat handle.


9、They like playing table tennis, don't they?


10、He likes playing table tennis best of all sports.


11、Seeing the children playing ping-pong, he itched to have a go.


12、He's going to play ping-pong with a friend.


13、In the army holpital, Forrest is learning to play Ping-Pong.


14、I play badminton and ping-pong.


15、You hit the ping-pong ball with this paddle.


16、play table tennis and badminton.


17、Of course KaKa will learn to play ping-pong.


18、Ping-pong and PE In the gym room.
